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Multiple figures in one Ipe document

When writing an article in Latex, you can store all the figures in a single Ipe document, by placing each figure on its own page. In Latex, each figure can then be included by saying, for instance,


to include the figure on page 7 of the Ipe document figs.pdf.

To avoid having to remember which figure is on which page (and having to renumber all figures when you insert or delete a figure), you can give names to the pages (figures) in your Ipe document, using Pages ‣ Edit title & sections. Enter the name in the Section field, using only letters.

Then, run the page-labels script on your document, as follows:

ipescript page-labels figs.pdf

This reads the document figs.pdf and writes a new file figsLabels.tex.

In your Latex document, include this file in the preamble:


You can now include a figure using its symbolic name, like this:


where XXX is the symbolic name of the figure.

Whenever you add or delete a figure to the document, just run the page-labels script again, and your symbolic names will remain up to date.

If you want to refer to a specific view of a page, give the view a name (Views ‣ Edit view). The page-labels script will then generate a label consisting of first the page name and the view name. For instance, for the view named YYY on the page named XXX, the label will be \ipeFigXXXYYY.

Sharing Latex definitions with your Latex document

When using Ipe figures in a Latex document, it is convenient to have access to some of the definitions from the document.

Ipe comes with a Lua script update-master that makes this easy.

In your Latex document, say master.tex, surround the interesting definitions using %%BeginIpePreamble and %%EndIpePreamble, for instance like this:


Running the script as

ipescript update-master master.tex

extracts these definitions and saves them as a stylesheet master-preamble.isy. (This filename is fixed, and does not depend on the document name.)

Running this script as

ipescript update-master master.tex figures/*.ipe

creates the stylesheet master-preamble.isy as above. In addition, it looks at all the Ipe figures mentioned on the command line. The script adds the new stylesheet to each figure, or updates the stylesheet to the newest version (if the figure already contains a stylesheet named master-preamble).

Writing ipelets

An ipelet is an extension to Ipe. Ipe 7 uses the scripting language Lua (in fact, most of the Ipe program itself is written in Lua), and loads ipelets written in Lua when it starts up. It is also possible to write ipelets in C++, using a small Lua wrapper that declares the methods available inside the ipelet.

Documentation about writing ipelets can be found in the Ipelib documentation.

Troubleshooting the LaTeX-conversion

Ipe converts text objects from their Latex source representation to a representation that can be rendered and included the PDF output by creating a Latex source file and running Pdflatex. This happens in a dedicated directory, which Ipe creates the first time it is used. The Latex source and output files are left in that directory and not deleted even when you close Ipe, to make it easy to solve problems with the Latex conversion process.

You can determine the directory used by Ipe using Help ‣ Show configuration. If you’d prefer to use a different directory, set the environment variable IPELATEXDIR before starting Ipe.

If Ipe fails to translate your text objects, and you cannot find the problem by looking at the log file displayed by Ipe (or Ipe doesn’t even display the log file), you can terminate Ipe, go to the conversion directory, and run Pdflatex manually:

pdflatex ipetemp.tex

Customizing Ipe

Since most of Ipe is writing in Lua, an interpreted language, much of Ipe’s behavior can be changed without recompilation.

The main customization options are in the files prefs.lua (general settings), shortcuts.lua (keyboard shortcuts), and mouse.lua (mouse shortcuts). (Check the Lua code path in Help ‣ Show configuration if you can’t locate the files.)

If you have installed Ipe for your personal use only (for instance under Windows), you can simply modify the original Lua file. In all other cases, you need to provide a small Lua file that will change the setting you wish to change.

A small example is the following customization that changes a keyboard shortcut and the maximum zoom:

-- My Ipe customizations: customization.lua
prefs.max_zoom = 100
shortcuts.insert_text_box = "I"
shortcuts.mode_splines = "Alt+Ctrl+I"

Place this file customization.lua in Ipe’s configuration folder (you’ll find the exact location listed on the ipelet path (check Show configuration again).

On Linux, it is typically ~/.config/ipe/customization.lua, on MacOS, it is ~/Library/Ipe/customization.lua, on Windows, the file has to be in the top level of the Ipe directory (the same place that contains the readme.txt and gpl.txt files).

Environment variables

Ipe, ipetoipe, iperender, and ipescript respect the following environment variables:


the directory where Ipe runs Latex.


the directory that contains the pdflatex, xelatex, and lualatex commands. If not set, Ipe assumes the commands are on your path.


set to 1 for debugging output.


if set, Ipe will not call pdflatex but pdftex requesting the pdflatex format (and similarly for xetex and luatex).

The Ipe program uses several additional environment variables:


external editor to use for editing text objects.


a list of directories, separated by semicolons on Windows and colons otherwise, where Ipe looks for stylesheets, for instance for the standard stylesheet basic.isy. You can write _ (a single underscore) for the system-wide stylesheet directory. If this variable is not set, the default consists of the system-wide stylesheet directory, plus ~/.local/share/ipe/styles on Linux and ~/Library/Ipe/Styles on MacOS.


a list of directories, separated by semicolons on Windows and colons otherwise, containing ipelets. You can write _ (a single underscore) for the system-wide ipelet directory. If this variable is not set, the default consists of the system-wide ipelet directory, plus ~/.local/share/ipe/ipelets on Unix or ~/Library/Ipe/Ipelets on MacOS.


directory containing icons for the Ipe user interface.


directory containing Ipe documentation.


path for searching for Ipe Lua code.

The ipescript program uses the following environment variable:


a list of directories, separated by semicolons on Windows and colons otherwise, where ipescript looks for scripts. You can write _ (a single underscore) for the system-wide script directory. If this variable is not set, the default consists of the current directory and the system-wide script directory, plus ~/.local/share/ipe/scripts on Linux or ~/Library/Ipe/Scripts on OS X.

On Windows, you can use the special drive “letter” ipe: inside environment variables. Ipe translates it into the drive letter for the drive containing your Ipe executables.


Ipe allows you to set environment variables by writing the definitions in a file ipe.conf. On Windows, the file has to be in the top level of the Ipe directory (the same place that contains the readme.txt and gpl.txt files), on Linux it is ~/.config/ipe/ipe.conf, on MacOS it is ~/Library/Ipe/ipe.conf. Each line of the file contains a setting for one environment variable, for instance like this:


Ipe on a USB-stick

Ipe for Windows is entirely self-contained—you can unzip the package anywhere, including on a USB-stick, and run Ipe from there. However, Ipe needs access to a LaTeX installation. One option is to use LaTeX online—you can enable this from the Help menu.

The other option is to install LaTeX as a portable installation on the same USB-stick:

  • You can use the MiKTeX portable edition.

  • The alternative is to use texlive. Download install-tl-windows.exe and run it, selecting the option for Custom install. When the full installer starts, change Portable setup to Yes, and change the TEXDIR directory to X:\texlive, where X is the drive letter of the USB-stick. You can also decrease the size of your installation by unselecting unnecessary packages and languages.

Installing LaTeX on the USB-stick will take quite a while. When it is done, unzip the Ipe package for Windows onto the root of the USB-stick. You should have the Ipe binary in X:\ipe-7.x.y\bin\ipe.exe.

Now create a directory X:\latexrun (it will be used by Ipe to run Latex).

Finally, you need to create a small configuration file as X:\ipe-7.x.y\ipe.conf. The contents of the file should be (for MiKTeX):


or (for texlive):


The ipe: part is translated by Ipe into the drive letter for the drive that Ipe is executed from, so it will correctly point to your USB-stick.

Double-check the setting for the IPELATEXPATH—it should be the directory that contains the pdflatex.exe program. Open Ipe and look Help ‣ Show configuration, and check that all settings are correct.

It should now work to run Ipe from the USB-stick, whenever you plug it into a Windows computer.

If you want to make further customization settings, you can use the variable config.ipedir in your Lua code to refer to the USB-stick drive.

Running Ipe under Wine on Linux

Ipe itself works fine under Wine, but there is an issue: We don’t want to create a new tex installation for Windows under Wine, we want to reuse the Linux tex installation!

So first we need to make the pdflatex program available to Wine, by putting a symbolic link in the simulated C: drive.

$ cd  /.wine/drive_c/windows/
$ ln -s /usr/bin/pdflatex pdflatex.exe

The second problem is that Ipe is not able to wait for the completion of the pdflatex call—it starts pdflatex, and then immediately tries to read the pdflatex output, which of course fails. The solution is to make Ipe wait for a specified number of milliseconds before trying to read the pdflatex output.

You achieve this by creating a small text file called ipe.conf and placing it in the top-level Ipe directory (that is, the directory that contains readme.txt and gpl.txt). The contents of the file should be:


(You can define any other environment variable in the same file.)